************************************************************************* LMP Title : Quake Big Fat Ugly Boss Destroyed!! Filename : qbigboss.dem LMP Version : 0.91 Game : Quake! Pwad(s) : none Map Level(s) : E1M7 - boss level Skill : Hmm, I don't know, I didn't choose but I think it's "hard" because it took three lightning bolts or whatever it is to kill the boss. Then again maybe it's "easy" because I first tried this level in "easy" mode. Can someone help? Mail me! Options : none Multiplayer Mode : none Number of Players : 1 Perspective : Hmmph, what's green's equivalent in Quake? I don't know my color. Length : 00:59 - just under 1 minute! -timer : none, is there such a thing in Quake? Author : Yonatan Donner Email Address : yonatan.donner@master.excellnet.co.il Misc. Author Info : Got Quake about an hour or two after it came out and immediately finished the shareware episode (but without full kills and full secrets). Please mail me with feedback, comments etc. Description : This is a very short QUAKE demo of me kicking the big fat bad Quake episode 1 boss's ass in 0:59. He counts for 21 kills - fat boss! Additional Credits to : id Software for this great game. ************************************************************************* * Player Information * Me : Yonatan Donner - Pentium 133 with 16mb ram and SB16 - keyboard only * Where to get this LMP * FTP sites: ftp.cdrom.com BBS numbers: Other: mail me and I'll send it to you